The High Value Woman Mastermind 9.0

If you're done feeling hopeless about finding your commitment-ready, quality man and you're ready to end the cycle of chasing unavailable men...

Then it's time to get the support to find the right man



Why you haven't found the right man yet

Here's what I know about you...

You're successful, smart, have your life together... you thought love would "just happen" for you, but it hasn't. 

While you watch everyone else get engaged, married, pregnant... you hate to admit it, but you're struggling.

You're finding yourself stuck repeating the same situations with men. Although many men are interested in you, they're usually not the ones you’re interested in back. And those men you do like somehow always end up fading out, being emotionally unavailable and/or non-committal. 

Being the proactive woman you are, you’ve likely spent years doing therapy, personal development, & working on yourself.

You know there is something still missing, because you still don't have the committed relationship you want & you're still repeating the same cycles with men.

And lately you’ve been saying to yourself: 

"I’m tired of dating. It’s so exhausting. Maybe I should take another break?"

"Where do I find the kind of men I want to meet?"

"I don’t get why online dating isn’t working for me."

"What if I never meet my person?"

"I have no idea how to get back into the dating game. I'm afraid to be hurt again."

"Why do I keep attracting the wrong men, falling for unavailable men, pushing men away, & not finding the kind of relationship I want?"

"I can’t quit! My body (& eggs) aren’t getting any younger!" (Tick tick tick!)


Due to the above, dating is an emotional rollercoaster. And you’re tired of it. And that’s why you’re here.

 You think maybe you just need more therapy, or you need to just meet more men, or maybe it's something about how successful you are, your looks, or even your age. 

Let me tell you... After working for over 4 years as a dating coach, with 100s of high achieving women to help them attract & keep healthy, mature, commitment-ready men... I can tell you, none of these things are the real answer. You don't need...


✘ Another year+ of therapy.

Therapy can help understand how your past may have impacted you today, but it doesn't often help actually heal it. And it definitely doesn't help you better embody your feminine with men, understand men, communication, or the process of dating for commitment. Therapists are not specialists in dating, attraction, or men! Not to mention, you don't have the time for another year plus of just sitting on a couch talking!

✘ To just keep dating more men because "it's only a numbers game."

In my years coaching women to find romantic partners, ​I have seen that dating is NOT JUST a numbers game and that if you meet enough guys you’ll find your man. What tends to happen instead is that we just keep repeating the same cycles. 

While going on more dates may increase your chances of finding your partner, if you are just 1) dating more of the wrong men, 2) or with the wrong approach, 3) or have unhealed wounds & limiting beliefs -- this will never result in you finding (& keeping) the quality love you truly desire. 

✘ Stop working, be someone you're not, act less smart, or be a doormat because otherwise you can't be in your 'feminine'.

Being in your feminine energy doesn't require that you quit your job, have all day to frolic in the fields, or take long bubble baths. It doesn't require you change who you are, lack boundaries, or to pretend to be less intelligent. Being in your feminine energy isn't a performance, it's an energy & state of being women exude as a result of removing false beliefs & ways of being and embodying your worth as a woman.


What you DO need?

You CAN attract your husband with ease. A healthy man who pursues you, puts in effort, adores you, wants commitment with you, and is of the caliber you deserve.

I have a process that gets results for clients on repeat. Quickly. 

It’s tried, tested, & it works.

There are 4 core areas that the High Value Woman Mastermind covers to help you jump timelines and get into your dream relationship faster, easier, and have more fun doing it.

1) Rewire your Love Blueprint

2) Embody your feminine

3) Learn how to date for marriage

4) Understand men


In The High Value Woman Mastermind you'll get my step-by-step proven program for finding your husband & 5 months of weekly coaching calls to get guidance and catch blindspots & self sabotage patterns so you can find your dream man ASAP.


Does this sound familiar?

You’re a successful professional or entrepreneur. At work, you feel like you know what you're doing, you feel successful, competent, and you have your life together... But your love life is just NOT going the same?

✔ You've gone on many dates but nothing seems to make it past the early stages

 You struggle with feeling insecure, anxious, or needy when dating or in your past relationships…

✔ You tend to overwork and are in your masculine energy with men…

 You try to force, control, or move things forward with a guy…

 You get ahead of yourself and rush sex, emotional intimacy, and get emotionally attached quickly…

✔ You obsess over the outcome

 You struggle with self worth, feeling good enough, and fear rejection

✔ You miss or excuse red flags and stay with someone too long

✔ You keep attracting low quality men who aren't emotionally available, won’t commit, or still have a lot of healing to do... 

✔ You’ll date someone for a month or two, and just when you are starting to get excited he disappears, ghosts, it fizzles out or ends abruptly…

✔  You feel uncomfortable with letting go, being vulnerable, and being seen

✔ You have trouble trusting men...

✔ You have a tendency to get stuck in your head, overanalyzing and trying to do everything perfect

   Right now dating feels daunting & exhausting to you... like another chore... 

What You Really Want is...


💯 To attract a high quality, available man who wants you too...

💯 To be in a committed relationship that is going towards marriage...

💯 To feel comfortable and confident in yourself while dating & in relationships...

💯 To be the most confident, secure, and happy version of yourself and to feel amazing in your life...

💯 To feel relaxed, trusting, at ease, and 'leaned back' so instead of repelling men, you attract men towards you...  

 💯 To have an inner sense of self-trust...

💯 To be PURSUED, DESIRED,CHOSEN by your dream man.

 It's Time for You to Find...


 💯 A man who is mature, available, has integrity & character... AND READY TO COMMIT!

💯 A man who makes you feel loved, adored, special without you doing anything...

 💯 A man who treats you like a queen...

💯 Your person to share life with, go on vacations with around the world and make beautiful memories together...

💯 Holidays and weddings, friends gatherings, and dinners that now you always have your "plus one"...

💯 Your best friend. Your partner in life. Your sexy lover. That person who knows you best in the world. Who looks you in the eyes and tells you you're everything to him. And you know it's true because he'd do anything he can to see you smile. 

Introducing The High Value Woman Mastermind... 


Say goodbye to bad dates, ghosting, chasing unavailable men and say hello to your dream relationship with Mr. Right.


There are only 4 core pillars you need...


We all have subconscious maps for love that come from our childhood. When you're struggling in love, it's because you have a love blueprint that needs updating. You need targeted dating/relationship focused inner work. You don't need another 2+ years of therapy just endlessly talking & rehashing your past with no path forward to change your now.

The truth is, it is SO easy to feel on top of the world when we are just living the single life, with no romantic interests. You feel totally in control & on top of everything... but turn into someone else who's insecure & over analyzing & in her head the moment you start to like someone. Or into someone who is continually picking the wrong men even though you've got your life together in every other aspect.

This is because our romantic relationships are the most intense thing we will ever take part in because they deal with our attachment stuff (our love blueprints), which does down to our subconscious & nervous system wiring - our deepest fears and deepest beliefs about ourselves, our worthiness & love. It's absolutely natural that this is the one place you're struggling.

Finding the right relationship starts with addressing the inner programming that is being mirrored in your experiences with men.

And don't worry, inside The High Value Woman, you will uncover heal your biggest blocks, self worth wounds, & self sabotaging patterns by getting to the real root of them & healing it once and for all.


Feminine energy is the secret sauce that makes a woman irresistible to men. It is how we can effortlessly be pursued by men & inspire "princess treatment."

Embodying your feminine isn't just about taking bubble baths or doing nothing all day. It isn't about not being yourself. It actually has to do with getting out of survival & hustle so you can magnetize & not push away healthy masculine men.

We live in a masculine energy heavy culture. If you're a successful woman, it's likely all you know & you're probably heavily in your masculine energy all the time. And the problem is that masculine energy in a dating context kills romance with men.

Your feminine energy is the secret sauce to making dating EASY, FUN, ENJOYABLE and taking all the effort, work, and struggle out of attracting your man. Because it's LESS WORK.

When you unlock the feminine magnetism inside of you (and it's already in there!), you'll have men falling over their feet to pursue you, woo you, go above and beyond for you, and want to claim you.

 Inside the High Value Woman, you will learn how to embody your & feminine energy with men so you can be pursued, wooed, & claimed. 


 When you’re dating for marriage (life-long partnership), you need to date with strategy that you didn't have in your 20s. Dating for commitment isn't working because you're using the wrong approach. 

We get into the nitty gritty of navigating dating: How & where to meet quality men, using dating apps successfully, the stages of commitment & navigating the first date all the way to commitment. Managing emotional attachment, pacing, sex, & more. What to dos/what not to dos, & avoiding the common pitfalls.

We cover in detail how to choose: What to look for, how to identify if a man is a high quality, commitment-ready, mature, healthy masculine man, what matters & what doesn’t, learn to quickly recognize red flags, how select the right guy for you, etc. to save you YEARS of wasted time on the wrong man (& I mean that, I can't fix a man when you're having relationship trouble because you picked the wrong one to begin with). 

Learn how to date for marriage so the next man is your husband.


Women who understand how men operate when it comes to love & commitment are the winners in securing commitment from the man of their dreams. 

Men are not more muscular, more hairy women. The truth is that men and women operate totally differently when it comes to attraction, commitment, & love.

Inside The High Value Woman, you will learn the science of how men & women operate differently when it comes to love & commitment.

Discover what makes a man pursue, bond, fall in love, & want to commit and what causes a man to lose interest.

Learn how to identify which men you should invest your time into - i.e. how to identify if he’s a quality, commitment ready masculine man - and how to spot the red flags & avoid the unavailable, non-committal or unhealthy men.

Then, to give you an edge that 99% of women do not have, you will learn what high quality masculine men are looking for in a woman, what makes a man want to pursue & commit to a woman & common mistakes women make that push men away. 

Most programs only cover ONE or two of these pillars & that's why you only get half results.

In The High Value Woman, we cover all 4 of these pillars, so you'll have everything you need to find your dream relationship.



"Hiring Elizabeth is undoubtedly one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself."

"Very quickly into our work (the second week!) a man entered my life that was everything on my list, but even better. Without Elizabeth’s work, I likely would have behaved in my typical anxious avoidant ways and harmed the budding relationship.

Thanks to Elizabeth, I was able to understand the root cause of these tendencies, and show up with my partner as my best self.

For some context, I love personal development work, I’ve done a ton of it and am widely considered the wise one that my friends go to for advice.  I also worked in the matchmaking and coaching industry before, and have had the privilege of working with the most respected people in the space.  They were all excellent, but what Elizabeth offers is truly something I hadn’t seen from any of them. 

Elizabeth’s intuition and ability to heal are unparalleled.  I came to her for my love life, but her teachings have gone so far beyond that. I not only got the relationship of my dreams, my anxiety is gone and I feel more empowered in every area of my life." 

-Kaitlin, 30, USA (Married)

The problem isn't that you aren't enough as you are. The problem isn't that you are broken. And the problem also isn't that there are no "good men" left.

You don’t JUST need information


While you are out there, meeting men, everything that is actually blocking you from having your dream relationship will come to the surface quickly. It's all feedback. You'll be able to take that real life feedback to coaching and be guided on your blindspots & next steps. 

With me, you get someone who will walk with you for 5 months, as you go out onto the dating arena - remind you how amazing you are, cheer you on, and help you see your blindspots.

You'll get practical dating gaps filled in through the instructional videos, you'll get emotional support through tools & techniques you'll use for the rest of your life, & you'll get inner work support through processes & coaching.

Dating won't feel so confusing & hard anymore, it will feel crystal clear & SIMPLE. Because you won't be just misapplying applying tips or strategies from Instagram posts & TikTok reels that don't work for your situation, or pretending to be someone you're not.

What you’ll get in this mastermind is a permanently shift your identity into a confident, self loving woman who embodies her high value with men. You'll learn the mindset, the practical tips, the checklists, the do's/dont's, the tools, and the live support for when your tiggers, fears, limiting beliefs & attachment stuff comes up. And you'll have a coach (me!) who is on your side, lovingly supporting you, and who has been there too. 

You'll finally get a framework that works & the support to apply it to your situation.

I'm ready to get the support!

If you're ready to have your love life go as well as your career and attract & KEEP a healthy, mature, masculine man in the shortest amount of time...

WITHOUT needing to change yourself, act dumb, be less successful than you are, or hide any part of yourself...

AND start experiencing dating as EASY, FUN, & EFFORTLESS... 



Hi! I'm Elizabeth.

I was the girl who had everything going for her. Pretty, fun, smart, educated (hello, Harvard M.Ed.!), accomplished (summa cum laude, living in my dream city, pursuing my dream career)… Happy in every area of my life EXCEPT with men, which I just couldn't seem to figure out.

I was pursued by men that I didn't want, or who weren't attractive to me. And I continually fell for men who weren’t interested in committing to me. I’d get first but not second dates, the slow fade out, ghosting, & hear, “I’m not ready for a relationship,” or “I'm enjoying spending time together but...” after a couple months of dating.

All. The. Time.

I remember crying on the phone to my mom. Asking, “what is wrong with me? Why can’t I find a guy I really like who wants me back?” 

I watched as all my friends partnered off, and I feared that I’d miss the boat.

It was a 5 year journey to understand the ins & outs of love, men, attraction & dating, and diving into my inner healing work…

When everything I had been doing finally clicked and I cracked the code on why I hadn't been successful in love - I met my now HUSBAND within 3 months.

I used to be the queen of falling for unavailable men, pining after the ones who didn't choose me, jumping from one toxic relationship to another, and in between monthly breaks where I gave up on dating and men altogether before I forced myself out again - because I was damn committed to finding my person! I wanted it SO badly!

Back then, I didn't know that there was a better, EASIER way. 

Over the last 11+ years, I’ve studied personal development, psychology, brain science, embodiment, somatic healing, internal family systems & parts work, inner child work, healthy Christian teachings on love, the science of love, relationships, men & women and I tested it ALL out for myself first.

What happened...? 

I embodied a new level of self confidence & self worth that repelled me from men who were wrong for me & attracted me to my right man (my husband 💍).

Because of the tools & information I am now an expert in, I learned how to have a happy, healthy, committed relationship & healed my relationship with myself.

I’ve tested & tried it all so that you don’t have to! I know what actually works & what you really need to know & can save you SO MUCH TIME. 

Within a year we had moved in together. And we're now married.

I now get to fall asleep and wake up next to my dream man. A man who loves that I'm smart & ambitious, supports my dreams, and shows he cares daily in so many ways (he even bought and renovated a house for me!)! He's literally everything on my list and more than I knew to ask for. 

And it wasn’t luck. If I’d relied on “luck” I’d still be single today. It was the hard work I did on me & support I got along the way that allowed it to happen.

I've put everything that I've learned from my journey into this program so that you can have the relationship of your dreams.

I really hope you'll say yes to yourself and join me on the incredible journey of transformation that this program is.

It’s a beautiful thing that you want to be married…

...and I know it can be vulnerable to admit you want that.

Inside The High Value Woman, your desires are all possible.

Your standards aren't too high. You don't want too much. And your dream of having a committed relationship with an incredible match doesn't have to be the one thing you STILL don't have. This is the space your deepest desires & fears are all welcomed & accepted and your dream of finding love made your reality.

What Past Clients Are Saying:

"We're looking for a house to move in with each other permanently now."

"I hired Elizabeth due to a desire to find a partner after 4 years single. I had been having a pattern of men either being avoidant or not wanting to commit. I felt this was the missing piece to the puzzle.

I got clarity on what I want/ who I to attract in my life. Clarity on triggers related to older wounds /attachment style. Shift in perspective from scarcity to abundance: there are enough man out there that fit my needs and desires. Shift in mindset of attracting those qualities I’m looking for instead of trying to fit into what I think my partner wants/needs. I feel more confident in who I am and what I need/deserve to be happy. A shift of “letting go” and "relaxing” in situations that cannot be controlled."

[she met her man within 2 months & they started traveling the world together💗]

"We're both 100% committed to our relationship & personal growth path together. We are meant to be partners in life, such a beautiful feeling!"

-Caro, 31, Belgium (In a committed relationship)

My Days of Being Single are OVER! 💍💍

"We are in a commited relationship! [update: engaged in 6 months] With a perspective of FOREVER. I would never have arrived at where I am now without your work and having been part in the HVW Mastermind! I really considered myself a hopeless case...the connection is truly on all levels, intellectually, emotionally, we're having the same vision of our future & he makes me laugh so much! This would simply not have happened if I wouldn't have met you. Thank you Elizabeth!" 

"Unlike every other coaching I did, with you I really changed central patterns that I was completely blind to. It was especially helpful that you had a look at e. g. texts I exchanged with the men I was dating and did not only rely on what I said - what was already “interpreted” by me according to my patterns... Most coaches/therapists stay much more on the surface and nothing changes. I totally shifted the pattern of reversed polarity, mothering men, overworking in relationships and going for guys below my level. 

Because the mastermind has its price I remember talking with my mum about whether I should join. I remember being unsure if what you had to offer would have so much more value in addition to what you were already offering for free on social media. I asked my mum: “What more can she have to offer? There’s already so much on the internet!” Thanks God I did join! Really, what was inside the mastermind was so much more!!! It was so all encompassing and thorough that I suspect theres any other coach out there who is offering anything alike. And this holds true even though I’m a psychologist myself and already knew a lot before enrolling. This course has changed me by 180 degrees."

-Mastermind Client 

Heartbroken to Meeting her Dream Man, in 3 months! 

"He always shows up for me, is consistent, makes me feel so special and reminds me how much he cares about me everyday." 

"I matched with someone on Hinge whom I later found out worked at the same firm as me. A month later we went out for a coffee during work hours, which then became a weekly thing. I was dating other people then so I wasn't very keen. 

3 weeks later he asked me if I'd give him a chance and let him take me out. 2 months later it's just been a very easy, peaceful, and comfortable relationship. He always shows up for me, is consistent, makes me feel so special and reminds me how much he cares about me everyday. We are Italy together this week and he asked me to be his girlfriend! I did see if coming for a while. Definitely caught a lot of my triggers early on, but didn't act on it and let him show up and do things for me. It's so odd not needing to ask for anything, it just comes with him! It sounds very cliche, but yes! :)" 

-Phoebe, 30, UK (ENGAGED)


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① Live Coaching Support for 5 Months

15 (3xs monthly) Interactive 2 hour long Group Coaching Calls on Zoom (which you can join from anywhere in the world) where there will be a combination of teaching, coaching, guided inner work and Q&A. Calls are dedicated for coaching each of you in your unique situation! Everyone has the opportunity to ask questions & receive coaching on each call. You'll receive specific guidance for what to do next after each call, think of this as homework for your love life to deepen what you've been learning.

Elizabeth's coaching approach combines talk coaching, straight up guidance, cognitive & somatic work, & embodiment practices to help you see blindspots, shift beliefs, & heal from the past, to create new results around dating & relationships.

"I loved our coaching calls." (Client feedback)

"You are such a great listener, you really understand what people are going through and you're able to pinpoint what is it people are stuck with and what is the root cause of a lot of blocks we are having are from." (Client feedback)

"I've done therapy where you talk about week to week about what's going on in your life currently, we did a little of that, but the bulk of the work was really delving into past traumas & fears & issues that happened in childhood, and really just looking inward and understand where those things are coming from - parts work, inner child work - those are more reflective than just talking just about day to day what's going on. That was what was so transformative to me. We didn't neglect what was happening week to week that was definitely part of it, but we were able to focus mostly on the big blockers, the things that have been holding me back for YEARS, I'm talking years if not DECADES of not being able to overcome parts of myself that I don't love and really looking into what's causing that and working through it." (Client feedback) 

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② 8 Content Packed Recorded Teaching Modules

Step-by-Step guidance in modules on a private course platform (you'll have access to the first module as soon as you sign up!). I take you step-by-step through a guided curriculum that includes everything you need to find your dream realtionship. With practical tools, exercises, & HW to go along with every module, so you actually see transformation. This is NOT just more information, it's practical, step-by-step framework & guidance. (Go to curriculum outline) With over 100 HOURS of content, you've never done a program like this.

It's the last dating program you'll ever need, & you probably won't need therapy anymore either ;).

"The online modules are so detailed and for every little block/topic about love, men, relationships or my mindset, there is a video - just wow." (Client feedback)

"The work you have put into these are amazing. It's just so great because it's not any content I've had in all the years I've been in therapy/personal development." (Client feedback)

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③ 1 60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

Get 1:1 time with me. Taken anytime during the mastermind. In this call we will deep dive into whatever your core inner work is & rewire that block.

"Thank you so much for our 1:1 session on Monday. It untied a big knot for me and I can feel the breakthrough. My thoughts have shifted tremendously ever since." (Client feedback)

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 Private Facebook Community

A private Facebook group only for mastermind members for connection, support, and integration between calls. I am personally in there responding to your questions usually within 24-48 hours, so you get me as your secret weapon in your back pocket, for 5 whole months.

"It was so great having a place where I could ask - "this guy said /did this, can you validate what I'm experiencing? Or am I wrong? Can you look at this text message?" That was really really helpful. Especially the moments when I was really anxious, it helped me keep my cool. It also prevented me from chasing the wrong guy for too long or not chasing at all because I had that tendency where I would start to lean in and pursue." (Client feedback)

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⑤ A Small Group of Women Like You 

You'll be part of a small cohort of women who are on this dating journey with you. No more feeling alone on this journey. You will learn more from watching each other being coached than anything else! Additionally, you'll be paired with a sister to go through this program with, who you'll check in with weekly outside our calls for an added level of support.

"I don't feel so alone in this journey anymore. Everyone else I know is in a relationship/married." (Client feedback)

"Knowing that I wasn't alone & that I can learn from someone else's journey, someone else can learn from me... I was just in NYC and stayed with her [her mastermind sister]. It was really cool building an actual friendship [that continued after the program was over]." (Client feedback)

"I found the most value in the group coaching...I was able to listen to so many other scenarios [from other women] and get direct feedback." (Client feedback)


Your Tried & Tested Curriculum for Finding Your Dream Relationship

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Module 1: Orientation 

In this module, I teach you the key foundations for getting results in the mastermind and in dating to find your dream man.

There are onboarding videos helping you get acquainted with how to use all your resources.

You'll learn exactly what my most successful clients do with the coaching & material in the mastermind so you can have the same success that they have.

You will get my proprietary Dating for Commitment Roadmap that outlines all the foundational principles for attracting & keeping a dream relationship that each module dives into in depth. Right off the bat you'll have a better idea of how to approach dating for success.

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Module 2: Handling Triggers & Negative Thinking 

In this module, we cover the number 1 biggest reason women sabotage themselves in early dating: fear, insecurity, & negative thinking! 

You'll learn how to handle your fears & triggers so they don't sabotage your budding relationship.

You'll gain tools for changing negative thinking, doubt, & negative self-fulfilling prophecies. You'll learn how to be a queen at managing your negative emotions & reactions so they don't manage you. 

How to identify your triggers & catch yourself when you're spiraling. What to do to regulate your nervous system to get out of fight/fight and navigate triggers with more ease and even decrease them. 


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Module 3: Heal Core Wounds & Your Inner Child 

This module is where you’ll get a grip on the invisible reason you keep repeating the same situations again & again, that has been holding you back all along (ie. your Love Blueprint). You'll finally understand your past patterns, where they come from, & release them. This is my SECRET SAUCE as to why my clients get such amazing, lasting, transformative results - I promise you, you've never done inner work like this before.

Whether you lean towards anxious attachment, fearful avoidant attachment, avoidant attachment, or something in between! We'll heal the root inner stuff that is blocking you! You'll learn how to handle your fearful parts that push love away, your anxious parts that lean forward & overwork, and your obsessive parts that don't let you stay present & enjoy the ride.

You'll be guided through my signature processes for healing core wounds ("I'm not good enough," "I'm not worthy," "there's something wrong with me") through healing your inner child. You'll finally release the negative beliefs that have kept you from seeing your worth, being your authentic self, and choosing the right man. 

This process will raise your self-confidence, self-worth to the next level & help you start being your authentic self.

Honestly, we could just stop here because you won't even recognize yourself or your love life when you're done with this. But there's more!

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Module 4: Clean Slate

In this module we're going to create a clean slate so you're fully ready to meet the one!

We'll handle baggage from your past. When we carry things like anger, negative beliefs, and shame from previous relationships/dating experiences, it holds us back.

You'll heal your heart from heartbreak & men you're still not over. Learn how to clear energetic blocks, release exes & unavailable men, & create a clean slate so your heart is open & available to meet your right man.

Dating & putting ourselves out there can be so hard because we face possible rejection. In this module, you're going to get the key mindset shifts I teach my clients so you no longer fear not being chosen! Release self-doubt for GOOD, and gain unshakeable confidence in the dating process. You’ll discover what makes us lack confidence in the first place, so you’ll know how to address it once and for all. I guarantee you’ll have the BEST dating mindset possible and no longer worry about "the one who got away."

PLUS, you'll get my in depth process for getting crystal clear on your true non-negotiables and dealbreakers (16 pages!). It’s so important to get clear on what you'll "yes" to and what is truly a "no." Having this crystal clear clarity on your personal values & deal-breakers will allow you to know quickly if a man is NOT right for you so you don't waste your time and heart and to more quickly attract the man that is PERFECT for you. 

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Module 5: High Value Feminine Dating

In this module you will learn my dating success framework that works every time.

By this point you've already got more men interested in you than ever before, now you need to know how to navigate those tender early stages of getting to know each other into a committed relationship.

What is a dating funnel, why you need one, and how to do it successfully.

How to stop wasting time on the wrong men, chasing men, overworking for men, and being in your masculine.

How to practically apply masculine & feminine energy principles when it comes to the practical aspects of dating (texting, communication, initiation, planning dates, pursuit, making it official, & more).

How to send men the signal that you're interested & get them to be the ones pursuing you, without being too forward.

How approach the first three dates in order to have the right man keep asking you out & wanting more.

Learn the key red flags and green flags to look for in a man so you stop choosing low quality men again & again and being disappointed. How to identify a mature, commitment-ready, quality man so you never again waste your time on the wrong guy.

How to navigate tricky things like sex, relationship pacing, not getting ahead of yourself, and exclusivity.

How to get to commitment. Stop getting stuck at the 2-3 month mark.

What you need to understand about how & when men commit. What he needs from you in order to decide you are 'the one.' 

Free High Angle Photo of Woman on Ladder Stock Photo

Module 6: Address Self-Sabotage 

It is almost always the case when we're still single even though we say we don't want to be that we have a part of us that is BLOCKING us from having love! It often happens that when we have a quality man in front of us who checks off the list, we don't recognize it or we freak out and push him away. We SABOTAGE ourselves in some way. 

We can be afraid of deeper intimacy because it triggers all our fears of being hurt or being trapped. We can be afraid of commitment because we don't want to lose our amazing life and our independence that we worked so hard for! 

There are 5 different reasons we would do this. 

In this module, I take you through my signature process to identify if you are in fact self-sabotaging in your dating life and why you're doing it. 

You will then address the 5 most common reasons we self sabotage and learn how to turn it around so you stop blocking and finally keep that dream man. Learn how to stop self sabotage in dating that's stopping you from getting the very thing you want most.

Free Selective Focus Photography of Woman Stock Photo

Module 7: Unlock Your Feminine Magnetism  

In this module you will learn how to unlock into your feminine magnetism that all men cannot help but feel drawn towards. You have this magnetism inside you (trust me!), no woman is born without it. Many women just lost touch with it somewhere along the way.

This will allow you to you be in touch with and enjoy yourself and dating on a whole new level.

Once you do the things I teach (and don’t worry, it's really quite simple!), you’ll be able to unlock this magnetism wherever you go. You'll find quality men being irresistibly drawn towards you & pursuing you the right way, WHILE YOU DO LESSHigh quality, masculine men will tripping over their feet to be near you, and do things for you, and they won’t even know why. 

You'll learn why your femininity is the #1 thing heathy, masculine men are attracted to in a woman. (If you've ever been told, "I just don't FEEL it, it just doesn't FEEL right" this is likely what's missing for you!)

You'll learn why femininity doesn't mean being a 50's housewife: being quiet, meek, weak, or having no boundaries. Or being any less than your full smart, accomplished self.

You'll learn why your femininity is actually the key to you being the most empowered, authentic version of yourself and why it naturally will make you the most adored, cherished, and wanted woman you know.

You'll learn how to let down your walls, soften, embrace your vulnerability, love yourself, show your emotions in a high value way, how to stop overworking for love, remove blocks to receiving, how to hold your worth as a woman AND MORE... all while still being the strong, capable woman you are and WITHOUT changing yourself. 

You will learn how to communicate from your feminine energy, the most common mistakes women make when communicating with a man, and how to communicate with a man to ignite his instinct to commit to you, protect you, make you happy.

Finally, you'll learn how feminine women set healthy boundaries that are respected. How to feel safe saying 'No" and feel safe expressing what you are/aren't ok with. And if needed, how to walk away like the high value woman you are from someone who isn't able to honor you.

You’ll see how this gorgeous energy will shine through even in your online photos and dating profiles, whether you’re on Facebook, Instagram, or the dating apps. Most women give off the WRONG vibe, so they get bad results online. You’re going to understand why your looks, age, weight, or even dating history won't matter compared to your feminine energy.   

Free Photo of a Tabby Cat Between People Stock Photo

Module 8: Understanding Men 

You've almost made it! At this point you won't even recognize yourself. But there's one more key to having a relationship that lasts: understanding how men are different from women when it comes to love & commitment!

Because I don't just want you to be able to attract men, I want you to find a great man & then build a lasting relationship with him.

Men are not more hairy women. They approach dating, & commitment very differently than women do. They fall in love for very different reasons than women do.

In this module, you will learn how to identify a quality, commitment ready, masculine man and how to identify a man if a man is serious about you vs. is unavailable & wasting your time. 

You will learn what makes a man ready for commitment, what makes a man fall in love, and learn the signs that a man is ready for commitment, and that he is serious about you. 

Learn what a man needs to experience with a woman in order to want to pursue her, treat her, fall in love with her, & ultimately commit to her & the things we can accidentally do that will drive even quality, commitment-ready men away!

It will clear the confusion about why he behaved the way he did, why he said what he said, or why he didn't commit. 

Clients tell me this course was worth it for this module alone. It totally changed everything for them about how to they see, understand, and interact with men for the better!

The Curriculum Alone Is Incredible, And When You Sign Up Now, You'll Also Get Access To These Incredible Bonuses:

Designed to help you jumpstart your dream love journey & start meeting new quality men before we even start!

Online Dating Masterclasses: How to Be Irresistible to Your Ideal Man on the Apps

  • Elizabeth's recommended apps/websites based on what's working now for her clients.
  • How to write a profile that attracts a man's attention & connects with his heart (which prompts Elizabeth recommends, what to write, top performing client response examples). 
  • Guidelines for how to use photos to attract the right kind of man's attention.
  • How to communicate on the apps to get off the apps & onto dates as quickly as possible (how to use your communication to stand out, create emotional attraction, & keep things moving forward).
  • Red flags & Green flags on men's profiles (to avoid the time wasters, unhealthy, & unavailable men).
  • What to say to the commonly asked questions (like: "What are you looking for?" And "Why are you single?").

You're not struggling with online dating because there aren't good catches on it, it's that you don't know how to represent yourself in order to attract the right fit men.

When my clients implement these changes, they will go from low quality matches to having fully booked calendars with quality matches and the problem of having TOO MANY men who want to meet them.

Meet High Quality Men In Real Life Masterclasses: Where and how to Meet High Quality Men

  • How to be Approached & Asked Out (The psychology of who men approach & who men don't approach and how to be approachable to the right men)
  • Where & How to Meet High Quality men (training)
  • 100 Places to Meet Men PDF

Clients have gotten the numbers of 4 men they were attracted to in just a couple of weeks using the strategies I outline. 

Get Over Your Unavailable Man: 11 Questions that Help Women Finally Let Go of the Man Who Haunts Them

  • Why You're Still Holding on
  • How to Build Self Love
  • Take him off the pedestal 
  • What you deserve 

Finally be ready to move on from that unavailable man or ex who still haunts you so you can move forward on to the dream relationship you deserve. 

How They Did It: EXCLUSIVE Interviews With Successful Clients

My clients share their journeys to finding love, their top advice and what they did to find love, plus how to get the most out of the coaching/mastermind.

At the end of 5 months, you’ll be a totally transformed woman; one who loves herself unconditionally, trusts herself implicitly, shows up authentically and powerfully… a woman who attracts real lasting love into her life.

1) You’ll be carefully guided in an intimate group setting to identify the root cause of your love patterns, release past hurts, and eliminate the blind spots that continue to attract you to the wrong kind of love.

2) Using the most effective tools based in brain science, NLP, & inner healing through inner child & parts work, you’ll reprogram your belief system, retrain your brain & nervous system and re-write your programming that has you subconsciously sabotaging and repeating the same destructive patterns with men.

3) Embody your new self and step into your new identity as a confident, WORTHY, high value woman who knows what she wants & attracts it with ease - in love AND in life.

4) Learn how to express needs and set boundaries without fear or guilt, so you can not only get your needs met but have a man who's happy to do it.

5) Gain 100% clarity on the man you are looking for, where to meet him and how to navigate the early tender stages of dating with an approach that works for the modern dating landscape. 


6) Create an online dating profile that is MAGNETIC to the exact kind of man you are looking for so you start receiving messages from the exact men you want to meet. And learn what mistakes to avoid with online dating. (If online dating is your thing, if not, I teach you where else to find quality men!)

7) Be meeting 1-3 men a month who meet your most important criteria so you can go from single to in a happy, loving, committed relationship in as little as 3 months. (online or offline, dating apps not required)

8) Know the signs so you can tell immediately which men are commitment ready & serious and which men are simply wasting your time, so you never waste another night wondering where you stand.

9) Learn the skills, tools, & insights to help you be seen as the incredible, one in a million woman you are by the right man, and have your pick of great men who want to claim you.

10) You will gain absolute confidence so you can trust yourself and navigate ALL areas of your life with certainty.



Don't just take my word for it

Listen to Cheryl's journey to finding love in the Mastermind: [upadate: they are now engaged]

Lisa's story meeting & moving in with her dream man

Listen to Lisa's story of finding love during the Mastermind: (Update: Now engaged!)

Listen to Viktoria's transformation story:

"This mastermind was life changing. I got rid of my anxiety & now I am so happy. I enjoy my life 100%. It really changed everything... now guys also give me a lot more. They are really trying, & really do a lot more for me... But the most important for me is that now I feel good. And I can enjoy my life... I have better relationships with my colleagues & my family. And they told me you changed a lot, you are a totally different person in such a short time."

Listen to April's getting back with her ex story:

"Understanding deeper who I am and having the skills I have now (a lot for me was communication), has made my life so much easier and made me relaxed inside my body."

Recap of What's Included:

Free People on a Video Call Stock Photo

① Live Coaching Support for 5 Months

15 (3xs monthly) Interactive 2 hour long Group Coaching Calls on Zoom (which you can join from anywhere in the world) where there will be a combination of teaching, coaching, guided inner work and Q&ACalls are dedicated for coaching members on their unique situation! Everyone has the opportunity ask questions & receive coaching on each call. You'll receive specific guidance for what to do next after each call, think of this as homework for your love life to deepen what you've been learning.


VALUE: $10,000

Free Photo of Girl Watching Through Imac Stock Photo

② 8 Content Packed Recorded Teaching Modules

Step-by-Step guidance in modules on a private course platform (you'll have access to the first module as soon as you sign up!). I take you step-by-step through a guided curriculum that includes everything you need to find your dream relationship. We leave nothing out! With practical tools, exercises, & HW to go along with every module, so you actually see transformation. This is NOT just more information, it's practical, step-by-step framework & guidance. With over 100 HOURS of content, you've never done a program like this. 

It's the last dating program you'll ever need, & you probably won't need therapy anymore either ;). 

VALUE: $5,000

Free Smiling barefoot female in glasses and casual clothes using laptop and having phone call while sitting on floor leaning on sofa and working on laptop against luxury interior of light living room Stock Photo

③ 1 60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

Get 1:1 time with me. Taken anytime during the mastermind. In this call we will deep dive into whatever your core inner work is & rewire that block.


VALUE: $1,000

Free Person Wearing Gloves Holding a Cellphone Stock Photo

④ Private Facebook Community

A private Facebook group only for mastermind members for connection, support, and integration between calls. I am personally in there responding to your questions, so you get me as your secret weapon in your back pocket, for 5 whole months.


VALUE: $1,000

Free Women Sitting on Chairs Inside a Room Stock Photo

⑤ A Small Group of Women Like You & Mastermind Sister

You'll be part of a small cohort of women who are on this dating journey with you. Stop feeling so alone! Additionally, you'll be paired with a sister to go through this program with, who you'll check in with weekly outside our calls for an added level of support.


VALUE: $1,000 (priceless relationships)

Free Groom Kissing Bride Neck Stock Photo

⑥ Being Supported in Finding Your Dream Relationship & Happily Ever After


VALUE: Priceless

TOTAL VALUE: $18,000


The Investment: Just the Mastermind



✔ 5 months of 3xs monthly 120-Minute Interactive Group Coaching Calls on Zoom

✔ 8 Content Packed Recorded Teaching Modules of OVER 100 hours of content

✔60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

✔ Private Facebook Community 

✔ Practical assignments for integration

✔ A Group of Women Like You  



1) 60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

2) Get your dating profile personally audited 

3) Feminine scripts 

Apply Now


$1,733 x3 months

✔ 5 months of 3xs monthly 120-Minute Interactive Group Coaching Calls on Zoom

✔ 8 Content Packed Recorded Teaching Modules of OVER 100 hours of content

✔60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

✔ Private Facebook Community 

✔ Practical assignments for integration

5) A Group of Women Like You  



1) 60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

2) Get your dating profile personally audited 

3) Feminine scripts

Apply Now


$1,060 X5 months

✔ 5 months of 3xs monthly 90-Minute Interactive Group Coaching Calls on Zoom

✔ 8 Content Packed Recorded Teaching Modules of OVER 100 hours of content

✔60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

✔ Private Facebook Community 

✔ Practical assignments for integration

✔ A Group of Women Like You  



1) 60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

2) Get your dating profile personally audited 

3) Feminine scripts

Apply Now

The Investment: VIP 1:1 Coaching

only 3 spots available




✔Get in depth, personalized 1:1 coaching with Elizabeth.

✔ 7 1:1 coaching calls over the course of the 5 months.

In addition to:

✔The 15 group coaching calls 

✔Access to the phenomenal 8 module, over 100 hour, mastermind online curriculum. 

✔Private Facebook group

✔Practical assignments/hw

✔Mastermind sister

For the woman who wants to go fast, get intimate support, & get the best results. 



1) 60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

2) Get your dating profile personally audited 

3) Feminine scripts


Apply Now



x5 months


✔Get in depth, personalized 1:1 coaching with Elizabeth.

✔ 7 1:1 coaching calls over the course of the 5 months.

In addition to:

✔The 15 group coaching calls 

✔Access to the phenomenal 8 module, over 100 hour, mastermind online curriculum. 

✔Private Facebook group

✔Practical assignments/hw

✔Mastermind sister

For the woman who wants to go fast, get intimate support, & get the best results. 



1) 60 minute 1:1 call with Elizabeth

2) Get your dating profile personally audited 

3) Feminine scripts

Apply Now

You’ve been dreaming your whole life of finding that loving, committed relationship with a man who sees you, adores you, & loves you deeply.

How did I get into the perfectly matched marriage I have now? How did I break my old patterns? How did I overcome the fear, triggers, and doubts I felt about men and dating?

Well, it definitely wasn’t luck. It also wasn't numbers! (I would have just kept doing more of the same & getting the same result).

It happened because I committed to the outcome I wanted: A relationship that was going towards marriage. 

And then I looked around & realized I was the ONLY THING in my way. I WAS THE COMMON DENOMINATOR.

So I listened to my desire for partnership and I said, YES, I want this.

I said yes to the deeper healing it required, but hadn't done until I was in so much pain.

I said yes to continuing to try anything & everything until I got there. I made it a non-negotiable.

I said yes to the support of mentors & healers who led me where I needed to go and who showed me evidence that what I wanted was possible. If they could do it, why not me?

I said yes to putting myself outside my comfort zone, doing things in a new way, even when I thought I knew everything - even when it was uncomfortable.

I said yes to my heart's small whisper of hope that I could have that.

So... what will you say?

Will you choose to say yes to your heart's hopes & desires? Just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean it won't.

Will you choose to say yes to commit to whatever it requires?

The committed, loving relationship you want is on the other side of your saying YES to yourself & joining The High Value Woman.

It's time to CLAIM that YOU are WORTHY of investing in. 

I'm Choosing to Say Yes!

This mastermind is the place for you if...

  • You’re ready to start dating and you want guidance in how to best do that to attract & keep a committed relationship with a quality guy.
  • You want to deepen your embodiment of your self-worth, femininity, & attract a masculine partner.
  • You are committed to doing the deep, inner work, because this program will be like getting your masters in love/relationships. I do everything I do from love, but I will challenge you if needed so you can grow and you must be ready & willing to be challenged.
  • You are committed to completing each assignment that you are given.
  • You are open to being coached in a group setting, making changes, & leaning into discomfort. You understand that growth requires courage and trusting the process even when it’s uncomfortable.
  • You believe in taking responsibility for your past, present & future and are committed to evolving into the absolute best version of yourself.
  • You get that I can expedite the healing + finding love process, but that YOU have to show up for yourself and remain committed to doing the work.
  • You're ready to have FUN while doing all of this!

This mastermind is Not the best fit for you if...

  • You're in a place of crisis & desperation emotionally. 
  • You're looking for a quick fix.
  • You’re not willing to give up your limiting beliefs around dating, feminine/masculine, and men.
  • You are unwilling to take 100% personal responsibility for your results.
  • You don't want to forgive and heal from the past. You'd rather continue to stay where you are.
  • You are looking for someone else to do the work for you.
  • You aren’t interested in being in your feminine energy and you don’t want a masculine partner.
  • You've experienced extreme trauma in this area and you've not done any healing work around it (do my 1:1 coaching instead, that's what 1:1 is for).

Frequently Asked Questions

The Mastermind costs:


$5,000 pay in full

$1,733 x3 months payment plan

$1,060 x5 months payment plan 

Calls are held on a weekday: 10am EST or 5pm EST 

No problem! All the calls are recorded and will be uploaded to the member portal.

My 1:1 coaching is currently full.

The benefit of the mastermind is that you get a lot more material than in 1:1 coaching, you still get personal attention, & it's a fraction of the cost. You learn from the other group members. You get to be a part of a community rather than doing it on your own, some of whom may become friends for life. 

1:1 coaching is best if you have a lot of unhealed trauma, attachment wounds, & really struggle emotionally. You need a lot more support with healing and crave or need that personalized 1:1 time every week.

Yes! The mastermind is capped at a very small number of women for this exact reason. There will be plenty of space for you to get your individual questions answered & to get personally coached by Elizabeth on the group coaching calls.

You also get one 1:1 call for very personalized work.

The great part about being part of a group of women is that what someone else gets coached on is often something you didn't think to ask but it also applies to you. It is so helpful to hear others getting coached, and we can learn just as much from listening as we can from being coached. This is a huge benefit of group coaching vs. 1:1. 

That's up to you!

I'm teaching you how to date as efficiently as possible & choose the right men to invest your time & energy into, so you don't end up having spent two years of your life in a relationship/situationship that is wrong for you or going nowhere.  My clients often meet their men within 1 month, 2 months, and 5 months of working with me after years & years of failures!

Expect to put aside 2 hours, 3 weeks a month for the mastermind calls.

Expect that you'll have video content & outside HW assignments (these could take 4 hours a week). But how much time & effort you put into that is up to you. 

I can't imagine a better use of your time if you're serious about finding him! 

It's likely that behind this question is the fear that there isn't anyone out there for you. And that's simply not true! My love, there are DEFINITELY, without a doubt, someone (multiple someones) out there who would be great matches for you! It doesn't matter how much you've struggled in the past - perhaps you're just missing some pieces that this mastermind will help you with!

In other words, there are 7 billion people on the planet. 3.97 of them are men, many of whom are single, almost single, will be single. If your brain is telling you there's no one out there... the facts don't agree. Let's not create that self-fulfilling prophecy!

PLUS - You will get so much value from the teaching & coaching in the mastermind whether or not you meet someone during it. I have many clients who meet the love of their lives during our coaching and also others who go on to meet the love of their lives after our coaching ends, but they say that what they learned in the coaching is why it was able to happen.

There are no refunds.

1) There are only limited spots offered each round, if you take one of the spots, it can't go to anyone else once we have started.

2) This is live coaching, so you're getting my time, which I cannot get back after it's given. I will be showing up and giving my all to coach you, guide you, & provide the content you need.

3) This is a tested program that gets results. The program works if you follow it, but you have to show up and do the work. Your commitment to doing the work in the program is necessary for seeing changes. If you are one foot in and one foot out, your results will reflect this uncommitted energy (just like a relationship would). As humans, we tend to truly give our all to something if we know we cannot get out of it and we HAVE to make it work. The program has been tried and tested so I know it works. But for it to work for you, you have to be 100% committed. 

Due to all these reasons, there are no refunds. If you're here, it's for a reason, and this program can change your life if you show up for it & follow it!

You will have access to the program & materials for 12 months from the start of the program (included in the price). There is an extension option for a small fee for those who want longer access after the 12 months.

You'll need to apply (click any of the buttons). Elizabeth wants to make sure we agree you're a fit for the group & the program.


You’re one step away from having everything you’ve ever wanted in love. 
Apply for the Mastermind Now!

Healed Anxious Attachment, Self Worth, Feminine Energy & Attracting Her Perfect Guy

Listen to Nancy's story:

Embodying Her Femininity & Breaking Cycles of Bad Men

Listen to Ruzanna's testimonial:

Heartbroken to Loving Herself & Knowing Her Worth

Listen to Mastermind Client Sarah's Mastermind TRANSFORMATION story:

Attracted her DREAM Boyfriend (UPDATE: THEY'RE ENGAGED)

Listen to Sara's story:

From Short Lasting Situationships, to Buying a House with Her "Best Friend" (UPDATE: THEY'RE ENGAGED)

Listen to Phoebe's story:

IN A RELATIONSHIP, No Longer Over Functioning - Leaned Back & Embodying her feminine with her DREAM MAN! (UPDATE: They're ENGAGED!)

"I met someone!... He asked me to be his girlfriend but said he knew I was the one almost immediately (I feel the same), we've met each other's families, we've talked about a one year plan i.e. marriage/kids, we've said I love you, and we're moving in together! I couldn't have dreamt up a better partner for me!" 

"I will be forever grateful for getting introduced to The High Value Woman Group by another happy, soon to be married, client! 

Investing in myself and developing a coaching relationship with Elizabeth is going to pay dividends throughout my life, and truly, in all of my relationships with men, not just romantic. 

I came into the program with a deep desire and intent to meet my husband and have a family and I have left with all the tools and support to feel confident on my journey as it continues to unfold. 

During our time, I was able to deal with the grief I had been experiencing with a prior relationship ending and look at all the parts of my little girl self that were still hanging on to an outdated story and where I had been overfunctioning to prove myself. My dad passed away when I was a young girl and I felt like there was always a bit of a missing "blueprint" on understanding men/communication that I now have clarity on. All of the things that have "worked" for me in the work world are the complete opposite of what I have needed to embody in my romantic life.

I have been able to lean back more into myself and surrender to the process. I even had the old boyfriend come back and be able to let that go knowing he was not the right man for me. I am enjoying the dating process and I am just beginning to utilize some of the content and extended support as I navigate a relationship that I am very curious to continue to explore. 

I feel so authentically myself. I knew that in order to get different results, I needed to do, or be open, to something different. 

Elizabeth is a dream. She has a gift to hold space for others, no matter how similar, different or painful their experiences have been with support, love and grace while also holding you to the highest standards for yourself. 

There is nothing you could not bring to Elizabeth. The accountability of her coaching and the overall the program was super helpful while I was actively dating. It was so much more fun and put me more at ease to know that I was not the only other person navigating this area of life - a shared sense of community and support was an added bonus. 

It's so easy to get coaching in all of the other areas of our lives - fitness, business, spiritual, etc. If your relationship life could use support/TLC, you are one part of the equation. I loved the way Elizabeth carefully curated the materials and sessions, starting with healing yourself first. It was one of the best investments I've ever made.” 

I am so grateful for my time working with Elizabeth."

M., 33, USA

Happy Client Results:

"I'm in a relationship with a wonderful guy... we are very much in love and I wouldn't change a thing... it feels very easy and I strongly suspect we'll end up together." - Arianna, 30, USA

(Update: They are now married)



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Everything you need to know about your attachment style & how to heal it.